Battle Rope Active Gym 12m –  38 mm

Main features

Battle Rope 12m – 38 mm with lengths of 55cm / 65cm / 75cm is at a great price. Battle Rope 12 m – 38 mm Active Gym is suitable for both beginners and advanced athletes.

Battle Rope Active Gym 12m –  38 mm

Exercises with Battle Rope Active Gym trigger all muscle groups, which is so important for functional training. The exercises with his help develop the shoulder belt, strengthen the grip of the wrists, train the muscles of the legs, and develop the necessary qualities such as strength, agility, and coordination. Appropriate for Crossfit and, in particular, for athletes engaged in combat. In this case, Battle Rope Active Gym is used horizontally, with all kinds of throws and strikes possible. The intense work of doing waves, various circular turns, amplitude rope strikes in the floor, and others help the muscles work like never before. To work with it can be as much as a quantity, that is, determining, for example, the number of "waves" or swings, and for time – detecting 20, 30 and more seconds. Such intense work allows fast and effective burning of calories, and performing exercises with only Battle Rope Active Gym for about 10 minutes can be compared to the effect of the most intense workout.

  • Extremely versatile training tool, ideal for all categories – from beginner to elite athletes
  • You work together with many muscle groups, which means you can achieve better results in less time
  • Increased aerobic and anaerobic capacity
  • Increased strength and power
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • Naturally manila rope
  • Variations: 12m in length – 38 and 50 mm in diameter

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